Programming , Shop
Vue 3 – The Complete Guide (incl. Router, Vuex, Composition API)
Learn Vue.js – in its latest version – step by step from the ground up. Learn how to build highly reactive web apps with one of the most popular frameworks!
No matter at which metric you look at (Google Trends, Github Stars, Tweets …) – VueJS is the shooting star in the world of JavaScript frameworks – it simply is amazing!
This course teaches …
Programming , Shop
MLOps for Containers with AWS and GCP
Learn to build MLOps predictions with containers * AWS App Runner * AWS ECR (EC2 Container Registry) * Flask * SKlearn * Google Cloud Run * Practical MLOps * MLOPs Cookbook
Our Price: $3
Programming , Shop
Design Fundamentals – Design Academy
As a developer, you’re likely involved in design decisions on a daily basis. Maybe you’re being asked to add a new feature to your company’s web app, or you’ve had an idea for a side project that you want to look half-decent. Many tasks you work on involve some level of design skills.
Original Price: $299
Our Price: $7
Programming , Security
Python 201 for Hackers
The Python 201 for Hackers course builds upon the Python 101 for Hackers course by moving beyond the basics. You will learn more advanced programming concepts and techniques, with a focus on how to use and apply Python as a Windows hacking tool.
Prior Python programming knowledge is required to be successful in this course. The Python 201 for Hackers course content …
Programming , Security
DevSecOps: Beginner Edition Bootcamp
Get a hands-on introduction to DevSecOps basics with a focus on implementing Devops and DevSecOps pipelines in on-premise, hybrid and on-public cloud models.
Our Price: $7
Linux & IT , Programming
Data Structures Crash Course – AlgoExpert
Data Structure is a way to store and organize data so that it can be used efficiently.
In computer science, a data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that enables efficient access and modification. More precisely, a data structure is a collection of data values, the relationships among them, and the functions or operations that can be applied …
Programming , Shop
Fullstack D3 Masterclass
The Fullstack D3 masterclass is the complete guide to D3. With dozens of code examples showing each step, you will gain new insights into your data by creating visualizations in this self-paced online course.
Original Price: $137.54
Our Price: $7
Programming , Shop
Ultimate Courses – Learn JavaScript the right way
Uncover the deepest secrets of the JavaScript language. Using modern development techniques and best practices you’ll explore the real foundations you need to deeply understand and be productive with JavaScript.
Uncover the depths of the DOM and truly understand your daily JavaScript development.
Explore the power of the browser. You’ll learn all the major APIs that were introduced in the HTML5 specification …
Programming , Shop
Django for Everybody Specialization
Django for Everybody Specialization
This specialization introduces Python programmers to building websites using the Django library. Across the four courses, you will learn HTML, CSS, SQL, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON Web Services. During the course, you will build online websites using Django and those working websites are graded throughout the course. Django for Everybody Specialization series is excellent preparation for …
Showing 226–234 of 263 results