Programming , Shop
160 Coding Interview Questions – AlgoExpert
The practice you need to ace the coding interviews.
Original Price: $49
Our Price: $10
Linux & IT , Programming
MLExpert – AlgoExpert
A revolutionary platform to learn machine learning. The best way to prepare for machine learning interviews.
Machine learning mastery is built on extensive foundations in the areas of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and deep learning, to name a few.
Our machine learning crash course is intelligently …
Programming , Shop – UIKit for iOS 15
Design and code a UIKit app for iOS 15 with storyboards, custom layouts, scroll detection, and accessibility using Xcode 13
Our Price: $4
Programming , Shop
Creating Atmosphere In Photoshop
This bundle contains everything you need to start creating epic atmospheric composites – over four hours of in-depth project-based tutorials and more than four hundred compositing tools.
In this course, we will do ten projects that will take you through all of the basics of creating, coloring, and manipulating atmosphere in Photoshop. In addition to the basics of brushing and blending …
Programming , Shop
CSS for JavaScript Developers
The all-new interactive learning experience designed to help JavaScript developers become confident with CSS.
For a lot of front-end developers, CSS is the most frustrating part of their work.
When you make a mistake in Typescript, you get a helpful tooltip telling you exactly what you did wrong. In CSS, by contrast, you’re left in the dark, without …
Programming , Shop
Epic React (Epic React Pro) – Kent C. Dodds
Building React applications demands that you make expert decisions before you write the first line of code.
You’re responsible for building a cohesive, maintainable code-base that will help your team succeed and build a React application that serves your customers’ needs.
React provides an “assembly-level” set of tools without a lot of guidance on how to turn those tools into an application …
Programming , Shop
Blockchain Developer Bootcamp – Become a Highly Paid Blockchain Developer
I’m excited to bring you the ultimate curriculum to take your skills to the next level so that you can become a PRO blockchain developer.
I’ve drawn from my hard won experience in the emerging blockchain industry building ICOs, dApps, & blockchain solutions to create this top notch training for you.
Original Price: $249
Our Price: $7
Programming , Shop
NodeJS – The Complete Guide (incl. Deno.js, REST APIs, GraphQL)
Node.js is probably THE most popular and modern server-side programming language you can dive into these days!
Node.js developers are in high demand and the language is used for everything from traditional web apps with server-side rendered views over REST APIs all the way up to GraphQL APIs and real-time web services. Not to mention its applications in build workflows for projects of all sizes.
This course will teach you all …
Programming , Shop
Ethereum Training: Hands-on Ethereum Development Bootcamp & Training On Demand (PDF-VID-LAB)
This 3 day instructor-led course is designed for programmers and developers who want to take a comprehensive deep dive in writing smart contracts and building applications that interact with them. This course provides detailed overviews of Ethereum, smart contracts, and the development language, Solidity.
The student will be exposed to Ethereum’s adaptable feature set which allows the developer to design decentralized …
Showing 217–225 of 263 results