Showing 586–594 of 1061 results

  • Shop , Trading & Marketing


    Becoming a successful trader is all about understanding the market and having the ability to create, master, and execute your own style with discipline and patience. My ultimate goal is to change the lives of millions by teaching a skillset that can end poverty forever.  ​​​




    Original Price: $3,500
    Our Price: $10
  • Security , Shop

    Threat Modeling

    Threat Modeling aims to improve security through the practice of identifying threats, attacks vulnerabilities for the purpose of defining countermeasures to prevent or mitigate loss, damage or destruction of an application, system or data.




    Our Price: $2
  • Security , Shop

    The Pearson Complete Course for CISM Certification

    The Pearson Complete Course for CISM Certification will enable you to learn the skills to design, deploy and manage security policies. The course starts with a basic introduction of the exam modules and topic domains before diving deeper into the main modules which incorporate real-world scenarios and practical applications. Each lesson concludes with a review and a quiz, giving you the …

  • Security , Shop

    Memcache Reconnaissance for Red-Blue Teams

    Reconnaissance the first and probably most important step of pentesting and red-blue teaming exercises. A well done recon can help prioritize which systems to go behind first and to dedicate more time and resources. In recent times, there has been a lot of technological progress in fields in web development, cloud tech, machine learning etc. which has led to a …

  • Programming , Shop

    JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts

    Learn modern, advanced JavaScript concepts and practices to be in the top 10% JavaScript Developers this year. This Advanced JavaScript course is even used as reference material to study for some FAANG company interview processes.




    Our Price: $4
  • Linux & IT , Security

    Embedded/IoT Linux for Red-Blue Teams

    This course is a deep dive into Embedded/IoT firmware where we will start from the very basics – understand the multistage boot process, the kernel and root filesystem, how to build them with a custom toolchain and how they can be compromized with user and kernel mode backdoors/rootkits. We will be using the latest 4.15.x kernel for this course on …

  • Security , Shop

    Bitcoin Vulnerabilities

    Ivan will show you how, despite having vulnerabilities, the Bitcoin Network stays secure. You’ll gain deep knowledge of the type of attacks the network might face, and how they might be executed. Many Blockchain networks share similar characteristics. After this course, you’ll have a thorough understanding of Blockchain security in general.




    Our Price: $2
  • Security , Shop

    Complete Cybersecurity Bootcamp

    The Cybersecurity Bootcamp that will take you from ZERO to HIRED as a Cyber Security Engineer. You’ll learn the latest best practices, techniques, and tools used for network security so that you can build a fortress for digital assets and prevent black hat hackers from penetrating your systems.




    Our Price: $4
  • Linux & IT , Shop

    Open Source Software Development, Linux and Git Specialization

    The Open Source Software Development, Linux and Git Specialization will give you a strong foundation for working comfortably and productively in open source development communities. By completing the Specialization, you’ll have a better understanding of the Linux environment, as well as methods and tools required to successfully use it, and you’ll know how to use Git, the distributed version control …