Android Pentesting 101
Size: 2.72 GB

Welcome to the Android Pentesting 101 Course. This course covers about how security works in Android devices and how vulnerabilities can be found in Android applications. The course starts with the basics of how you can set up your hacking environment and then gradually moves on to how security works in Android Applications. The course also shows you the different types of Emulators and how you can Root your Android Device. The course also covers OWASP Mobile Top 10 and would cover all the categories of OWASP Mobile Top 10 with practical examples. The course also includes a detailed overview of Android Concepts such as Dalvik VM, Android Components, Android Architecture Stack, etc. The course also shows you how you can decompile and reverse engineer a particular Android application to get the source code.The major section of Android Pentesting is the Static and the Dynamic Analysis where most of the vulnerabilities would be covered with practical approaches. These approaches can also be used to find vulnerabilities in bug bounty programs.At the end of the course, you would be exposed to certain Tips and Tricks that will make your upgrade Android Pentesting skills. These tips will help you to differentiate yourself from others.This course also includes the vulnerabilities found in Live Targets for better understanding.


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