The Metasploit Framework Bootcamp


The Metasploit Framework is one of the most widely utilized exploitation tools used by penetration testers and security researchers. For anyone looking to get started with a career in cybersecurity and penetration testing, the ability to use the Metasploit framework to conduct penetration tests and security audits is an essential skill to master on your path to becoming a competent penetration tester. This course will introduce you to the Metasploit framework and will teach you how to utilize the framework for penetration testing. You will learn how to perform information gathering and enumeration with the Metasploit framework and how to identify vulnerabilities in target systems. We will also cover the process of exploiting Windows and Linux systems with the Metasploit framework and the fundamentals of using Meterpreter. Lastly, you will learn how to perform various post-exploitation techniques like privilege escalation, establishing persistence, and dumping credentials. All of the labs in this course will involve the use of several vulnerable virtual machines that can be downloaded as well as labs from the Attack Defense lab environment.




Our Price: $7


Size:  2.21 GB