Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Complete Video Course (Video Training), 3rd Edition


Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Complete Video Course, Third Edition is your complete guide to learning how to run Kubernetes applications and pass the CKAD exam. It includes in-depth discussions, lightboard explanations, and lab demonstrations to get you started with Kubernetes. It also covers all objectives in the industry-recognized CKAD exam. Each lesson ends with a hands-on lab and the video course concludes with a full practice exam, so you can get the practice you need to feel prepared on exam day.

The course provides in-depth knowledge for how to develop, create, manage, store, and troubleshoot Kubernetes applications, as well as how to work with containers in a Kubernetes environment. Best-selling author and trainer Sander van Vugt clearly and succinctly explains Kubernetes basics and building, and exposing scalable applications. Advanced CKAD tasks, including working with the API, applying DevOps technologies, and troubleshooting Kubernetes are also covered.


HOMEPAGE – https://www.informit.com/store/certified-kubernetes-application-developer-ckad-complete-9780138086602


Original Price: $280
Our Price: $6


Size:  2.94 GB