If you’re looking to improve your immune system, your gut could play an important role. Your gut health and your immune system are closely linked, and changes to what you eat can significantly affect the way you respond to injury, infection and presence of bacteria/viruses/parasites in your environment.
Your gut is home to thousands of different species of microorganisms, some are beneficial to us, but others are not. A healthy gut microbiome will help you to support your immune system, especially if you are having a lifestyle that is physically, mentally and emotionally demanding.
According to some researchers, the vast ecosystem of microorganisms that lives in our gut is as complex and influential as our genes when it comes to our health and happiness. Little inhabitants of our gut have the capacity to manipulate our behaviour and mood through altering the neural signals in the Vagus nerve, producing toxins to make us feel bad, and releasing chemical rewards to make us feel good.
So when our ‘gut feeling’ tells us that we need chocolate to calm ourselves, we are at the mercy of relatively unfriendly gut bacteria ‘pulling our strings’ deep down in our intestines making us do what is ultimately not beneficial for us. As everywhere, there is a diversity of interests represented in our microbiome, and if we want our gut feelings to lead us in the direction of health, we had better feed the bacteria aligned with our goals.
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/healthy-gut-healthy-immune-system/
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