Container Security


Docker and Linux containers are changing the way applications are developed, tested and deployed. The Container Security Learning Path provides an overview of the key technologies used by Docker containers and how to utilize them for security. The learning path includes a review of Kubernetes, the most popular container orchestration system, focused on creating and running a secure cluster.


HOMEPAGE –…skills/learning-paths/container-security/


Our Price: $5


Size: 7.79 GB

What you’ll learn.

  • A solid understanding of how containers work and the available security options
  • How Docker relates to containers
  • How to securely manage containers throughout their life cycle, from building images to running containers in production
  • How Kubernetes works and how to deploy and maintain a secure cluster for container workloads

Who is this for?

  • Any IT, security, DevOps or DevSecOps professional who is working with containers, Docker, Kubernetes or other cloud-native technologies who wants to ensure their container infrastructure is resilient to attacks