Take a look around your office, online, or wherever you work with other programmers. Did you know that 20% of these people are planning to leave their job this year and get a higher paying one because they have skills that are ridiculously in demand? The other 80% get to stay behind in a crappy job earning far less than they should be.
What’s the difference between the 20% and the 80%? The 20% speak up and demand to be paid what they think they’re worth. What do you think you’re worth? It’s probably a lot more than you think.
Here’s the thing: great programmers are a rare find – mostly because they stay hidden in crappy jobs, burying their talent under a belief that everyone is better than them, not recognizing just how valuable they are. Burnout sets in, self-esteem drops and they give up entirely.
HOMEPAGE – https://sales.bigmachine.io/imposter-second
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