Hi Guys!
Whether you’re a motion designer or a professional animator, you have probably been offered projects in which you have to rig and animate a character from the front view.
But since you weren’t familiar with the basics and principles of front-view animation, you turned down the projects.
However, Don’t worry anymore!
In this course, I’ll show you how to rig and animate a character from the front view using a straightforward and practical method that doesn’t require any plugins or scripts.
I’ll begin this course by covering some fundamental topics, such as preparing the character for rigging. Once that’s done, I’ll move on to rigging a character from the front view. You will learn how to animate properly and how different parts of the character are animated. And how to use the references to create the walk cycle. Next, you’ll learn how to create an infinite background and loop the animation.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to create a run cycle for the character you’ve rigged before with the help of the reference.
And the last chapter, you’ll learn how to replace your character with a different one without having to redo any of your Rigging and animation work.
Please note that this course is intended for intermediate to advanced-level motion designers.
So, if you are still in the beginning, I highly recommend starting with my Motion Hero course before diving into this course.
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/rigging-animation-character-from-the-front-view-in-after-effects/
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