Code with Mosh – Mastering React


What else do you expect from a JavaScript library that was developed by Facebook?

But seriously, if you don’t know how to build apps with React – then you’re falling behind the curve. It has quickly become the most popular JavaScript library since its release in 2011.

Both new and seasoned developers are using it to build app front-ends that are fast, dynamic and stand out. If you want to see what React apps are like, just think of the big popular sites like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Yahoo, the list goes on…

If you’re tired of slow, repetitive and boring courses, I’ve got the perfect course for you.

Highly technical with a perfect mix of theory and practice. It covers absolutely every detail you could possibly need to take you from beginner React developer to an expert.




Original Price: $19
Our Price: $5


Size: 15.9 GB

What you’ll Learn:

  • Modern JavaScript features
  • Build reusable components
  • Build tables and lists with pagination, sorting and searching
  • Build forms with validation
  • Implement routing with React Router
  • Call HTTP services with Axios
  • Implement authentication and authorization
  • Handle and log errors effectively
  • All about Function Components and Hooks
  • Share data using React Context
  • Deploy your React apps to Heroku
  • Write clean, maintainable code like a pro
  • Shortcuts to write more code in less time
  • And much, much more!