In this course students will learn creating packets with scapy for simulating the malware behaivours, I am gonna teach you L7 protocols deep packet inspection methods, Snort and Suricata installation, keywords for writing custom IPS / IDS signatures for detecting attacks, some basic dynamic malware analysis techniques with Remnux, Honeypot usage, osquery and more. You use wireshark and tshark for analyzing pcap files and generate custom rules. In this training you will write rules for detecting, ransomwares, phishing domains, SSH, DNS, ICMP tunnels, zero day exploit codes, public exploits, file stransfers, data exfiltration, sql injection, inclusion web attacks and web shells also we use Honeypots for detecting internal threats. You will learn osquery for analysing network sockets in endpoint.
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/network-level-cyber-attack-detection/
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