Welcome to one of the most comprehensive Full Stack JavaScript course where you will learn how to build a production quality app from scratch. This course will teach you how to build a Real Estate Marketplace app using MERN (MongoDB ExpressJs ReactJs NodeJs) Stack. Each lessons are represented as how-to solutions for easy learning and understanding the concepts.
Building a massive project such as a marketplace requires a lot more than just coding experience. You should be able to plan the entire system, execute the tasks one by one until you have a fully working project. A marketplace usually consists 2 types of users. Buyers and sellers. In this app, one group of users will be buyers (people looking to buy or rent houses) and other group will be sellers (real estate agents or house/land owners wanting to sell/rent their properties).
Usually this type of projects are very complicated but not anymore. Yes, you heard me right. I believe in simplicity. No matter how complex the project is, if you have used the simplest and cleanest solutions as building blocks, your app will become incredibly easy to build, manage and scale.
There are massive amount of topics covered in this course. Every little detail has been covered. Every line of code has been explained. The knowledge you gain building this marketplace can be used to build any type of full stack apps.
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/react-node-mern-real-estate-marketplace/
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Kaushal · November 21, 2023 at 7:34 pm
I am not getting the download link for this
admin · November 22, 2023 at 9:23 pm
Sir Download link is working absolutely fine…. If you don’t know how to download from Mediafire then take someone’s help.