Maths Olympiad Master-Class
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The course covers all the topics in Olympiad Maths. The entire course is divided into 25 sections. Each section has multiple videos which cover the theory and applications. Most sections also have assignment with problems from various Olympiads. The theory for the course is covered in a total of 60 video lectures, running for almost 46 hours of high-quality content. We discuss hundreds of problems in these 60 lectures while explaining the ideas.

Some of the advanced topics covered in the course include – Functions, Maxima/Minima, Inequalities, Trigonometry, Triangle Geometry, Sets and Partitions, Functional Equations, The extreme principle, Sequences and Series, Advanced Inequalities, Analytic Geometry including Conic Sections, Families of Curves, Mathematical Induction, Complex Numbers and their properties, Recursive and Periodic Sequences, The Construction Method, Combinatorics, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, Recursive counting, Number Theory, Congruences, Diophantine Equations, Polynomials, Roots of Polynomials, Irreducibility, Interpolation and Differences of Polynomials etc.

The assignment problems have been specially designed to go from beginner to advanced levels. Any students who face difficulties with the assignments can reach out to the instructor and I shall try and provide more content (video solutions) to help clarify your issues.

If you have come across a particular idea or theorem in any Olympiad Maths context, we have probably covered it in this course! Happy learning and have fun problem-solving!


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