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Discover the 7 Secrets of Figure Drawing:

Draw Awesome Figures
in Two Weeks

Ever feel so frustrated with your figure drawings you just
want to give up? Is it even hard to draw a cartoon?

You see other artists’ work and think, why can’t I draw my
figures like that? I used to feel the same way until I discovered the secrets
of figure drawing, and I’m going to share them with you.

Tim thought he would never be a concept artist because his figure
drawings weren’t good enough, but then he found my 10 hour course, and guess what?
He’s now a concept artist.

You too can draw the human figure like a master artist.

“I want to help Neil because he helped me. I owe my job to
him. His teaching techniques and teaching style made everything finally click.
I just got it! I started drawing figures that looked good. What a great
feeling. Even if I never landed my dream career, just the feeling of drawing
great figures was worth every penny Neil charges. I can’t believe he offers so
much for so little.” – Tim.

Don’t give up on yourself. You can draw people, and you
won’t believe how little it will cost you.

You want to draw for a living, or paint for a living, but
the human figure is holding you back, but it doesn’t have to anymore. After you
go through 10 hours of video containing my step-by-step drawing lessons and my
best-kept secrets, you’ll draw the human figure like never before! Guaranteed.
I mean that.

I can guarantee it because I’ve seen it work again and again
for my students.

You should see Kim’s before and after, but I don’t know how
to post that here.

It worked for me. You should see how my figures used to look.
I almost gave up!

Once the secrets of drawing the human figure clicked, I made
quick leaps. Would you believe that before and after was only 30 days after I
figured the secrets of figure drawing out? Yes. It’s true. It only takes some
two weeks. I want to repeat that because it’s so awesome.

You can learn how to draw the human figure in two weeks!

What? Crazy, right? My students are evidence. I am evidence.
I’ve seen it work for me and others.

You just have to watch the videos and do the exercises.
That’s it.

You can have that dream job, drawing or painting.

You can make money
with your art.

You can, you can, you can.

But you’ve tried art courses? You read some figure drawing
books? You even paid for personal art lessons?

Why will my course be any different?

Because it is different. Why don’t figure drawing books tell
you how important it is to master the stick figure before you even start
drawing mannequins? Because not every artist is a great teacher. Most master
artists either don’t know or don’t remember what it takes to get to that level.

They don’t know how to break down the step-by-step learning
process that is necessary for most people to draw the human figure like a pro.
That is what this course does for you. It turns you into a figure drawing professional.


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