Welcome to Cryptocurrency Flash Loan Arbitrage with Furucombo course. As the popularity of cryptocurrency rise since past couple years and the demand of people who are interested in exploring limitless opportunities within this field also keeps increasing, therefore, this course was created with an intention to provide crypto enthusiast an alternative to execute flash loan arbitrage trade without having to code/program solidity smart contract since there are a lot of folks out there who are curious and excited about this new concept of trade, however, they do not have skills and experience in Solidity programming previously. This course will mainly concentrate on guiding you to perform cryptocurrency flash loan arbitrage trade on DEFI platform called Furucombo where you will not be required to write any code nor create solidity smart contract to execute your trade, instead, you will play around with combination of cubes which represent pair of cryptocurrency assets in decentralised exchange platforms to discover the most profitable option before placing the trade. In addition, you will also be taught on how to use several different sites like Coin Market Cap and Cryptorank IO to monitor price fluctuations and ideally find arbitrage opportunities. The course will also be complemented with study case about gas fees comparison among different blockchain networks to decide which one is the best to rely upon. Last but not least, flash loan arbitrage might be a new concept for vast majority of people where you will be able to execute trade without using your own assets, instead, you utilise the loan from AAVE, hence, basically the only thing you are risking here is the gas fees to execute the trade which will be discussed in a more detailed and structured way inside the course.
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/cryptocurrency-flashloan-arbitrage-with-furucombo/
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