Building a Computer: From Zero to PC Hero
Size: 4.88 GB

A PC Hero is someone that is able to not only build a computer with their mind and body, but also show others how to do the same. This course promises to take you from “What is a CPU?” to “That Intel i7 CPU can fit in this LGA1151 motherboard.” Looks like another language right now? Not after this course.

So what exactly do I learn?

The course begins with us meeting face to face and you get a taste of my uniqueness. Then you will find yourself in a lengthy but entertaining and informative PowerPoint that talks about every part of a computer. Every now and then you take a break from the slides and get to step into operating systems such as Linux. After the conclusion of the presentation, you begin the build. With a sky-view of the build process, you get to see each and every step along the way, including a major happy accident made by your own instructor.


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