OAuth is one the most important topics nowadays if you study web applications penetration testing or API security testing or android security testing then OAuth is one of the most common topics, it is popularly used in almost every application, and vulnerabilities like account takeover are found in oauth misconfigurations,
if you don’t know how to go for oauth testing then this course is for you, you will be able to learn different types of attacks possible with oauth with respective misconfiguration and will learn how chaining can be done in oauth with other vulnerabilities, I have demonstrated the oauth misconfiguration using portswigger labs and also discussed the live finding from a bug bounty programme, you can also find similar issues on your programme as well
This is a short course, in this course, you will be going to learn =>
- What is Oauth?
- Types of Oauth?
- How does Oauth work?
- What are oauth misconfigurations?
- Demonstrations of account takeovers on lab and live cases
- Analysing oauth flow from developers docs using Postman
- Analysing how to bypass some of the restrictions and chaining oauth with other vulnerabilities
- Understanding more business logic misconfiguration collected from various reports and articles.
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/unveiling-oauth-for-bug-bounty-hunting/
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