Angular Master Bundle – Ultimate Courses (Pack of 7 Courses)


AngularFundamentals: Kick your Angular skills into action with this comprehensive dive into Angular and getting started the right way. Complete with best practices and architecture practices.

Angular Pro: Advanced, comprehensive, complete. Deep exploration of the framework, architect big apps.

NGRX Store + Effects: Master reactive and highly performant Redux state management for Angular apps.

TypeScript Basics: Take advantage of static types and supercharge your JavaScript development.

TypeScript Masterclass: Advanced TypeScript, comprehensively covered in real-world digestable chapters.

RxJS Basics: Supercharge your development with Reactive Extensions for JavaScript. Tame the Observable.

RxJS Masterclass: Supercharge your reactive skills with this advanced RxJS course on best practices and patterns.




Original Price: $298
Our Price: $10


Size: 7.12 GB