I have prepared the course to share my knowledge with my community. My intention is not to teach but to share the knowledge of Thick Client pen-testing. We will start by understanding what a Thick Client is and then progress towards mastering Thick Client pen-testing, including how to intercept and analyze its security.
Thick client pen-testing, cybersecurity professionals, often known as ethical hackers or penetration testers, simulate real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential security risks in the application. The process typically involves a combination of manual testing and the use of specialized tools to analyze the application’s code, communication protocols, data handling mechanisms, and other components.
While we cover the Thick Client Pentest, we will see the demo on the below tools.
- Echo Mirage
- Javasnoop
- Jadx
- MITM-Relay
- Sysinternal-suite/strings64.exe
- Wireshark
- Dnspy/ Dot Peek/ VB decompiler/ ILspy
- Fiddler
- Nmap
- Sysinternal-suite
- Meterpreter
- Winhex
- Implusive DLL/ Auditor/ DLL SPY
- Process hacker
- HxD hex editor
- Snoop
- WinSpy++/Windows detective
- Uispy
- Regshot
Many more.
The listed security tools function differently, allowing us to adopt a modern approach and utilize various techniques to identify weaknesses within thick client applications. Through their combined usage, we can perform comprehensive assessments and apply advanced methodologies to ensure a thorough examination of the application’s security posture.
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/thick-client-pentest-modern-approaches-2024complete-guide/
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