The course covers a lot of important maths concerpts for Grade 7 students. The topics are covered in an easy to follow step-by-step process. There are over 50 videos covering different aspects of maths. The course may also be useful to some grade 8 students who may be struggling with the basic concepts covered in the course. Some of the topics covered include:
- Maths revision:Whole number
MultiplicationMultiplication TablesDivision, addition and powers of 10Doubling and halving - Factors:Common FactorsHighest Common Factors
- Prime NumbersPrime FactorsProduct of Prime Factors
- MultiplesCommon MultiplesLowest Common Multiples
- Division:Introduction to divisionShort DivisionLong Division
- Multiplication:Column MethodBracket Method
- Rate and RatioSolving Rate story problemsUsing division to get ratio of quantities
- Comparing and Ordering NumbersGreater than, less that or equal toAscending and Descending orderRounding numbers and estimation
- Order of OperationsBODMAS – Brackets Of Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction
- ExponetsSquare numbers and Cube numbers
- Financial Maths: Loans, Interest, Discounts, Profit and Loss
- GeometryParallel and Perpendicular LinesTriangles: sides of a triangleTriangles: angles of a triangleQuadrilaterals: types of quadrilaterals
- Drawing shapes using a Protractor
- Drawing using a Compass
- Similar and Congruent shapes
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-grade-7-mathematics-term-1-course/
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