Red Hat Certified Specialist in Containers and Kubernetes (EX180) and OpenShift Administration (EX280)


Red Hat Certified Specialist in Containers and Kubernetes Complete Video Course: Red Hat EX180 provides an in-depth analysis of the core objectives and topics in the Red Hat EX180 exam so you can get started with containers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift, the Red Hat Kubernetes distribution, while also preparing for the Red Hat exam EX180. Topics include managing containers and container images with Podman, running applications in OpenShift, and using OpenShift to automate complex automation builds. This video course is also a great resource for anyone interested in working with standalone containers using Podman on Red Hat, as well orchestrated containers and devops workflows using Red Hat OpenShift.

Red Hat OpenShift Administration Complete Video Course: Red Hat EX280 provides an introduction in administrating OpenShift and prepares viewers to take the Red Hat exam EX280. This course provides in-depth training and hands-on labs exploring the ins and out of administering in OpenShift. Topics include management of cluster nodes, users, and role-based access control, as well as management of applications in an OpenShift environment. The Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Administration exam (EX280) tests the knowledge, skills, and ability to create, configure, and manage a cloud application platform using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.




Original Price: $320
Our Price: $7


Size: 26.35 GB