Size: 17.6 GB
Here’s what you’ll learn in this course:
- Node.js Basics & Basic Core Modules
- Parsing Requests & Sending Responses
- Rendering HTML Dynamically (on the Server)
- Using Express.js
- Working with Files and generating PDFs on the Server (on-the-fly)
- File Up- and Download
- Using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern
- Using Node.js with SQL (MySQL) and Sequelize
- Using Node.js with NoSQL (MongoDB) and Mongoose
- Working with Sessions & Cookies
- User Authentication and Authorization
- Sending E-Mails
- Validating User Input
- Data Pagination
- Handling Payments with Stripe.js
- Building REST APIs
- Authentication in REST APIs
- File Upload in REST APIs
- Building GraphQL APIs
- Authentication in GraphQL APIs
- File Upload in GraphQL APIs
- Building a Realtime Node.js App with Websockets
- Automated Testing (Unit Tests)
- Deploying a Node.js Application
- And Way More!