Linux for Cloud Engineers and Devops
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Welcome to Linux for Cloud Engineers and Devops, a short but powerful course that aims to turn you into a linux super user, and speed up your devops or cloud engineering education. This could be a big 10-hour course but i wanted to teach you the most important commands in a short time by avoiding theories. So this a hands-on practical course on linux command line that you can really help you linux learning. So here are all the course sections and topic video of each sections:

Part 1:

Create a instance on aws

ANd on windows with virtualbox

logging in with ssh

File uploading

Changing directories

Part 2:

Editing files with nano

Creating and removing directories

Copying, moving, editing and

deleting files

Part 3:

Creating new user

Creating new groups

Change file owner

change file permissions

Part 4:

Installing packages

Starting or stopping services

Setting up firewall

Backup data

Crontab with shell script


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