How about building a complete Professional E-learning App with Flutter & Firebase on a relaxing weekend ?. This course helps you to do that.
It’s perfect for developers who are willing to gain professional experience in Flutter Mobile and Web App development.
This course does not teach you Flutter and Dart concepts from scratch. It assumes that you have at least very basic knowledge of it and guides you on how to develop the most common features required for a professional application.
With this course, you will learn answers to the below questions
How Flutter Apps are developed ?.
How Flutter In-app Purchases are implemented ?.
How the Firebase Authentication flow works ?.
How the Firebase Authentication is Implementation ?.
How the Firebase Email verification is implemented ?.
How the Firebase Reset/Forget Password is implemented ?.
How to use Firebase as a backend for Apps and Web apps?.
How to do Firebase Web Hosting?.
How Flutter Google Authentication is implemented ?.
How Flutter Facebook Authentication is implemented ?.
How to convert Flutter Mobile App to Flutter Web App ?.
How to publish your Flutter App to Google Play Store ?.
How to implement Stripe Payments in Flutter Web App ?.
How to persist data in Flutter Apps ?.
and many more…
You will also get a fully working source git repository of an E-learn app that could be used as a reference for your future projects or build your version of the app.
All the very best.
Who this course is for:
- Flutter Job Seekers
- Flutter Developers
- Students
- App Developers
- Beginner Flutter who wants to gain professional experience
- Basic Knowledge in Flutter
- Knowledge in any programming Language
What you’ll learn
- Flutter Professional Project Experience
- How to build a fully functional app using Flutter and Dart with all common App Features
- InAppPurchases
- Firebase
- Flutter Web
- NodeJS Firebase Client Scripts
- Federation Login with Gmail and Facebook
HOMEPAGE – https://www.udemy.com/course/flutter-build-a-professional-app-weekend-bash/
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