CodeWithMosh – Angular 4: Beginner to Pro


Put simply, Angular is a must-have on your resume. Lucky for you, this course is a full-on, deep-dive into Angular that will give you the competitive edge you’re looking for.

Highly technical with a perfect mix of theory and practice. It covers absolutely every detail you could possibly need to take you from beginner Angular developer to expert .

I share tips from several years’ experience using Angular, including the do’s and don’ts, best practices, common mistakes and practical shortcuts that every professional Angular developer needs to know.




Original Price: $19
Our Price: $4


Size: 2.60 GB

What You’l Learn…

  • Display data and handle events
  • Build re-usable components
  • Manipulate the DOM using directives
  • Format data using pipes
  • Build template-driven and reactive forms
  • Consume HTTP services
  • Use Reactive Extensions and observables
  • Implement routing and navigation
  • Implement authentication and authorization
  • Store data in Firebase
  • Deploy your applications
  • Unit test your Angular apps
  • Basics of the Redux architecture
  • Use Angular animations
  • Write clean, maintainable code like a pro
  • Shortcuts to write more code in less time
  • And much, much more!