SANS SEC583: Crafting Packets (PDF-VID-LAB)


SEC583 is a one-day, lab-heavy course designed to teach the powerful skill of how to craft and manipulate packets through the use of many hands-on activities. This skill can be used to test policies, behaviors, and configurations and will also provide deeper understanding of TCP/IP and application protocols.

Crafting packets is an incredibly powerful skill for any security analyst, network engineer or system administrator. It can be used to test firewalls policies, IDS/IPS rules, host/server settings, application configurations, and much more. Creating packets will also help you learn to better understand TCP/IP and application protocols.




Original Price: $1,400
Our Price: $25


Size: 16.9 GB

Who Should Attend SEC583?

  • Security analysts
  • Network engineers / administrators
  • Anyone interested in crafting packets


  • Students should have at least a working knowledge of TCP/IP
  • Familiarity and comfort with the use of Linux