SANS SEC573: Automating Information Security with Python (PDF-VID-MP3-LAB)


The best penetration testers can customize existing open source tools or develop their own tools. The ability to read, write, and customize software is what distinguishes the good penetration tester from the great penetration tester. This course is designed to give you the skills you need for tweaking, customizing, or outright developing your own tools to put you on the path of becoming a great penetration tester.

Whether you are new to coding or have been coding for years, SEC573: Automating Information Security with Python will have you creating programs that make your job easier and your work more efficient. This self-paced course starts from the very beginning, assuming you have no prior experience with or knowledge of programming. We cover all of the essentials of the language up front. If you already know the essentials, you will find that the pyWars lab environment allows advanced developers to quickly accelerate to more advanced material in the course.




Original Price: $7,020
Our Price: $25


Size: 15.3 GB

Who Should Attend SEC573?

  • Security professionals who benefit from automating routine tasks so they can focus on what’s most important
  • Forensic analysts who can no longer wait on someone else to develop a commercial tool to analyze artifacts
  • Network defenders who sift through mountains of logs and packets to find evil-doers in their networks
  • Penetration testers who are ready to advance from script kiddie to professional offensive computer operations operator
  • Security professionals who want to evolve from security tool consumer to security solution provider

You Will Learn How To:

  • Leverage Python to perform routine tasks quickly and efficiently
  • Automate log analysis and packet analysis with file operations, regular expressions, and analysis modules to find evil
  • Develop forensics tools to carve binary data and extract new artifacts
  • Read data from databases and the Windows Registry
  • Interact with websites to collect intelligence
  • Develop UDP and TCP client and server applications
  • Automate system processes and process their output