Red Hat Certified Specialist in Advanced Automation: Ansible Best Practices (EX447)


Are you planning on expanding your Ansible knowledge by learning about Ansible Tower?Have you used AWX and are thinking of taking the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Advanced Automation: Ansible Best Practices (EX447) exam?Ansible Tower is a tool that can really help with managing an Ansible environment at scale. From managing the many different inventories and SCM repositories to managing workflows — Tower can handle it all.

In this course, we’ll cover all the topics on the EX447 exam and help make sure you’re ready to take it. When you’ve finished this course, you’ll have a better understanding of the topics on the exam, including installing Ansible Tower, managing Ansible inventory, managing Tower templates and additional functions, and even using some of the advanced Ansible Playbooks tools that can help make the most of your Ansible environment — even if you don’t have Tower set up yet.


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Our Price: $3


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