OSCP PEN-200 Penetration Testing with Kali Linux 2023


Penetration Testing with Kali Linux is the foundational course at Offensive Security. Those new to OffSec or penetration testing should start here.

This online ethical hacking course is self-paced. It introduces penetration testing tools and techniques via hands-on experience. PWK trains not only the skills, but also the mindset required to be a successful penetration tester. PWK is the foundational penetration testing course here at Offensive Security, and the only official training for the industry-leading OSCP exam. The original version of the course has enabled thousands of information security professionals to build their careers.


HOMEPAGE – https://www.anonymz.com/?https://www.offensive-security.com/pwk-oscp


Original Price: $999
Our Price: $25


Size:  4.53 GB