How To Overcome Depression

How To Overcome Depression

My name is Kara, and as someone who has experienced an episode of major depression, I am here to share my techniques that I used to recover from this debilitating illness. In order to better understand my illness, I also studied psychology at my local University, so I could share some concepts along with Read more…


How to be Happy

Description Nowadays it’s very easy to find negativity. Not only because there are more and more sources, but because negativity sales. Newspapers, TV, Radio, magazines, social media. Everywhere you turn you hear about natural disasters, murders, kidnappings, frauds. This makes it very difficult to have a positive attitude. Difficult but Read more…

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Storytelling to Influence

Description Storytelling to influence is a hot topic today!  Sadly, though, how to tell stories to influence is one of those “easier said than done” things in life, isn’t it?  I certainly felt that way years back when I started on my own path at becoming better at storytelling to influence, especially Read more…